Tenth mission conclusion

Conclusion of the tenth medical mission

Dear all , with the performance of over 75 procedures and operations in four different surgery specialities, and numerous clinical consultations in Pediatric and orthopaedics, we were delighted to conclude this blessed and successful mission.

We like to give special thanks to our newly joined members, Dr Fawzy Salah Assisstant professor of Surgery in Ain shams  university who gave us great help in Cairo  and Alexandria.

Dr Marco Abood Anaesthesia

Dr Samir Zietoun Orthopedic consultant in the UK

Dr Nageeb Magdy of Helwan  Anaethetist who gave us also badly needed help in time of shortage

And many others who helped us in different ways and shapes

We also feel grateful to Dr Milad william for his excellent help in organization and providing help when it’s badly needed.

To Mr Michael Meleka  who was of great help in the OR and to Mr Max Loslo who escorted the mission in Cairo and Alexandria.

We look forward to our next mission in November 5-18th , locations will be determined and finalized after checking the security situation in South Sudan.

Last word is that we remind all our colleagues that the language in dealing with other staff members wether a nurse, orderly , patients or admin should be strictly professional and follows our Christian ethics.