Minutes of cCMA Board of directors on September 12th 2020

Present : zoom link provided by Dr Yasser Notrous

Dr Michael Mohareb

Dr Yasser Botrous

Dr HANY Sawires

Dr Ashraf Ghali 

Dr Yousry Soliman” Officer”

Dr Nagi Ross


Abouna John Botrous 

Abouna Angelis Saad” technical reasons”

+Started by approving the previous minutes

+Discussions about adding a student/ resident chapter for CCMA  in Montreal Quebec 

+ discussions ensued about directions in the near future amid the pandemic situation

+approve adding Mr George Kozman as a signing officer to the organization 

+ arrange for an addendum meeting in the near future with Emmanuel Bebawy  and Mark Ghali from Montreal in regards to the student chapter 

+ will continue to hold any further trips in the present time till further notice 

+ arrangements for virtual medical consultations overseas with our notable medical members each in his/her speciality 

Meeting adjourned at 7.00 pm by a prayer from Dr Yasser Botrous 

Help urgently needed

Dear donors and colleagues , in these difficult times we are experiencing a lot of demands fir help all across the world and specially in our old countries if Egyot and Sudan

please don’t hesitate to donate to our mission as we are doing our best to relief suffering and hardships to the most vulnerable and needy.

God bless your donations.

Minutes of board of directors meeting june 2020


Abouna Angelos Saad

Abouna John Botros

Dr Michael Mohareb

Dr Yasser Botros

Dr Ashraf Ghali

Dr Nagi Ross

Absent :

Dr Hany Sawires

  • Meeting called to order by a prayer of Abouna Angelos Saad at around 5.30 pm 

  • Approved the previous meeting minutes of December 2019

  • Discussion ensued about the current pandemic situation and how to proceed in the upcoming future

  • Abouna John Botros suggested some mission work to focus on at home” Canada” at least in the current restrictive situation.

  • A motion to direct some of the donated funds toward relief efforts approved by all members.

  • Approved financing a project to help villagers in upper Egypt with manufactured PPE  and sanitizers using the factory run by Anba Abraham charity in the old country.

  • Dr Mohareb to arrange a report about the pandemic situation in Egypt  by regions.

  • Dr Botros voiced concerns about the financial strains in the current times and the burden of collecting donations 

  • Dr Ashraf Ghali concurred that  the Oakville Medical group raised surplus of $20,000 for charitable purposes in very short time during the current pandemic.

  • Abouna Angelos would share in the efforts to raise this money for medical protective equipments at his earliest convenience.

  • All board members agreed to continue to hold any medical missions until further notice

  • Meeting adjourned by a prayer from Abouna John Botros at 7.00 pm 

Postponement of Eights mission

Dear all members/ volunteers and participants, important notice:

We  regret to announce the postponement of the upcoming missionary medical trip to Egypt scheduled previously to begin in May 2020.

The majority of board members agreed in that decision till  later notice.

However, we will still continue to support urgent matters and cases that might arise during that hiatus period with all means possible.

We still are encouraging your generous donations and support during this difficult times. 

Pray with us all that the lord relieves our people and the world from all vile and inequities. 

“He shall call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.”

~Psalm 91:15

Eighth mission to Egypt

It’s with great pleasure to announce the launch of our eights series of successful mission trips to Africa and Egypt on May9th-16th 2020.

we invite all specialities and health care professionals to join us into this service , special needs are for a Cardiologist with expertise in TEE and interventional cardiology, cardiac Anaesthetist, Family doctors, registered nurses and ENT specialists

please contact ccmacanada@gmail.com or CCMA Mission 2020 on WhatsApp

send your cv and contact number

Eighth mission trip to Egypt:

It’s with great pleasure to announce the approval for the Eights mission trip to Egypt  from May9th -16th 2020 

Listed below an alphabetical order manifesto to our volunteers participants.

Please review and either confirm or modify according to each individual’ s own  time schedule 

Please do that ASAP, preferably by next weekend.


Anba Barsoum El Erian : El Masaraa/ Helwan May 9-16

Anba Bishoy: Akhmeem / Souhag May 11-14 th 

Anba Takla : Alexandria May 11-16th 

El Hayat Hospital: Cairo May 9-11 & 15,16th 

St. Mary’s  Hospital: Medinet Nasr/ Cairo 

May 9-16th 


Dr Emil Girgis: Anaesthesilogist : UK

El Hayat and Anba Bishoy

Dr Fady Grace: internal Medicine : USA: El Hayat and Anba Beshoy.

Dr Hany Sawires: Colorectal Surgeon: Canada: El Hayat andAnba Bishoy “ contingency “.

Dr Ihab Mirhom : General and Beriatric Surgery : Egypt: Anba Bishoy Akhmeem

Dr Maged Bakhit: OBGYN:Canada: El Hayat/Anba Barsoum and Anba Bishoy 

Dr Michael Awad: Internal Medicine: Egypt: “ contingency” cairo sites 

Michael Melika: Pre Med student: Canada: cairo Sites only

Dr Mikhael Fouad: General Surgeon: Egypt: El Hayat Hospital and Anba Bishoy 

Dr Milad William : Surgery: Egypt: El Hayat Hospital and Anba Bishoy

Dr Moheb Ibrahim: Cardiothoracic Surgeon: Canada: Anba Takla only 

Dr Nagi Ross: General and Abdominal wall surgery: Canada: El Hayat Hospital and Anba Bishoy

Dr Nagy Melik: Orthopedics Surgeon: USA: Anba Takla/ El Hayat Hospital and Anba Bishoy

Dr Nasr Samy Wanis: Anaesthetist : UK : Anba Barsoum and Anba Bishoy 

Dr Nozahi El Bardisi: Anaesthetist : Canada: El Hayat and Anba Bishoy 

Dr Sameh Girgis: Orthopedic surgery: UK : Anba Barsoum 

Dr Shaker” Hany ” Tawfik: Dentist: Canada 

St Mary’s Hospital 

Dr Waseem Moussa : General and Laparoscopic Surgeon: Canada: El Hayat Hospital and Anba Bishoy 

Dr Yousry Soliman : Emergency Medicine :

Canada: El Hayat Hospital and Anba Bishoy 

Seventh mission

We were blessed in our last mission trip to five sites in Egypt last month.

we helped performing , six open Heart surgeries in Anba Takla Cardiac Center in Alexandria, 34 General and orthopedic surgeries in the General site of the same Hospital, ten at St.Mary’s Hospital in Ezbet ElHaggana in Nasr City in cairo as well as 25 General , Gynaecological and Orthopedic surgeries in Anba Barsoum El Erian in El Masaraa Helwan in Cairo as well.

Twenty six cataract surgeries were performed by our mission in El Raie El Saleh Hospital in Shoubra, six more open surgeries in Beni Mazar El Menya Givernorate and three endoscopies.

we had the final blessing of doing also another seven different procedures in Great Thomas Hospital in Souhag in our final south destinations

we had the blessing of visiting historic monastries sites like the Red Monastery south of Souhag and the white Monastery of Anba Shenouda the Archmendite.

We had these blessing with the help of our great support team in each site visited, and we were backed by supplies and medicines provided by our generous donors in both countries Canada and Egypt.

all these blessings are to the honor and gratification to our lord the Christ who helped us , supported us and brought us to this great success.

we can’t thank every one by name but our greatest thanks to our great father Dawood Lamie and his servants, Father Angelos Saad to his spiritual support and blessings and to all those who really worked so hard towards this service with sincerity and spirit of servitude.

we look forwards to 2020 missions which we hope to be able to expand this service to other parts of our great continent if Africa.

cheers to all and humble pride in our service

Sixth Mission Trip to Egypt

We are happy to announce the launch of our sixth mission trip to Egypt happening in the period of May 13 - May 19.

This trip is going to Anba Barsoum El Erian Hospital in El Masaraa Helwan and Beni Mazzar El Menya.

We invite all volunteers from all specialty including Family Medicine and Dentistry to join in this charitable mission to help those needy and underprivileged population.

God bless your efforts.

FILLED: Need General Dentist

Dear Members, 

We have received an urgent request for a dentist to join our trip which will commence February 21 through March  4, 2019 in Egypt.

The service is needed in Cairo in one of the locations where we will be providing charitable medical services.

If you or anyone you know is in contact with a general dentist who is willing to join in this humanitarian service towards the Lord Brethren, please contact Dr. Ross or send an email to info@ccma.ngo or ccmacanada@gmail.com.

God bless you all.